ABB Announces Upgraded Target For Long-term Comparable Revenue Growth

ABB said the company is lifting comparable revenue growth target for long-term to 5-7 percent from 3-5 percent previously. The target for acquired growth remains unchanged at 1-2 percent. The company also increased target for annual operational EBITA margin to 16-19 percent. Also, the company sharpened its objective for basic EPS growth through the economic cycle to at least high single-digit, from basic EPS growth above revenue growth previously.

The Group noted that it has increased the share of its divisions that are in growth mode now comprising approximately 70 percent of the Group’s revenues. ABB is planning 5 to 10 small to mid-size bolt-on acquisitions per year.

ABB reiterated its target of maintaining a strong investment grade rating. The company’s capital allocation principles remain unchanged.

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Original: RTT – Earnings: ABB Announces Upgraded Target For Long-term Comparable Revenue Growth