5 AI Podcast Episodes That Perked Up Listeners in 2023

From Nvidia:

NVIDIA’s AI Podcast set a new record in 2023 with 1.2 million plays and over 30,000 listens per biweekly episode. The podcast, focused on generative AI and large language models, has total plays of almost 5 million since 2016.

The AI Podcast released five popular episodes in 2023, including discussions on scientific and educational applications of AI, AI in software development, and AI’s role in regeneration and scar prevention.

Notable speakers on the podcast included Anima Anandkumar discussing generative AI’s potential in scientific applications and Anant Agarwal discussing AI’s impact on online education.

The AI Podcast, available on various platforms, offers smart interviews on the latest AI trends and innovations and can be accessed through Amazon Music, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more.

Listeners can make the AI Podcast better by filling out a listener survey, as the podcast continues to draw significant interest and listenership across the globe.

Read more: 5 AI Podcast Episodes That Perked Up Listeners in 2023