Don’t wait for everything to fall apart. Preventative self-care offers an edge against workplace burnout

From Time Magazine:

Summary: Preventative self-care practices are a vital part of avoiding burnout. Minaa B., a social worker and author, says there is not one right way to do preventative self-care, but our nervous systems are always looking for things that feel familiar. Self-care doesn’t look like its social media image.

Summary: Preventative self-care practices is key to combating burnout. Recognized as the cornerstone of combating burnout, it is crucial in times of mental turmoil, when decision-making is difficult. A consistent self-care routine allows wellness practices including meditation to make more of an impact and will help extinguish fires faster than a rush of mindfulness.

Summary: Minaa B. says the best practices of preventative self-care stem from self and what is unique to each person. She says movement is a one gateway into preventative self-care, saying social conditioning has led people to think of gym memberships when the movement doesn’t have to be exercise. Self-care can mean learning a new language, cooking a new recipe, reading a book, or even walking the dog.

Read more: Don’t wait for everything to fall apart. Preventative self-care offers an edge against workplace burnout