Dow Jones & Company: What’s open and closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

From Dow Jones & Company:

Christmas falls on Monday, December 25, and as a result, many government offices, businesses, and services will be closed. Financial markets, including the New York Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq, and bond markets, will also be closed on Christmas Day. The U.S. Postal Service will not deliver mail on December 24 and 25, and local post offices will be closed. FedEx and UPS will also not offer service on those days. Most banks will be closed on December 24 and 25, but ATMs and bank apps will still be available for certain services. All nonessential federal offices will be closed on December 25, and the same applies to state government offices. Public and many private schools will not be open on December 24 and 25. Certain supermarkets, pharmacy, and convenience stores will be open on Christmas Day, but their hours may be limited. On December 24, stores will generally be open, but some might close early. Many restaurants will be closed on Christmas Day, with some exceptions, and more dining spots are likely to be open on Christmas Eve. As a result, it is important to check the open hours before heading out.

Original: What’s open and closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day