How do we find the right place to retire? Here’s a guide for couples.

From Dow Jones & Company:

Couples in, or near, retirement are struggling to decide where to live. The Right Place Workshop, conducted by “Right Place Right Time” author Ryan Frederick, offers insights for those planning to stay in their homes, relocate locally, or make a more radical move. The workshop includes assessment forms and exercises to help couples decide whether they are “Somewhere” people or “Anywhere” people. The goal is to help couples understand how to make the right decision for them. Two workshop participants share their experiences, including one couple’s struggle with relocation and another couple’s decision to remain in their current home.

The workshop participants are facing a variety of decisions about relocating in retirement. One couple from Austin, Texas is considering moving away due to the city’s growth, while another couple from Athens, Georgia has encountered misunderstandings about their potential move. These participants are exploring their options, visiting possible new homes, and weighing various factors such as family proximity, healthcare, and community. Both couples offer advice for others who may be struggling with where to live in retirement. One participant emphasizes the importance of slowing down the decision-making process and empowering themselves with knowledge, while the other shares the value of connections and careful planning.

Experts recommend that couples approaching retirement think more courageously and imaginatively about where to live. Some couples may need to consider the possibility of spending part of the year apart, broadening their search far beyond their current community, and actively seeking facts and knowledge. Finally, “Right Place Right Time” author Ryan Frederick emphasizes the importance of flexibility and openness in the decision-making process, urging couples to visit potential new homes and envision what life might look like in different places.

Read more: How do we find the right place to retire? Here’s a guide for couples.