NASDAQ: Guru Fundamental Report for MRK


Validea’s guru fundamental report for MERCK & CO INC (MRK) rates the stock highest using the P/B Growth Investor model based on the strategy of Partha Mohanram. This model looks for low book-to-market stocks that exhibit characteristics associated with sustained future growth. MRK has a rating of 77% according to this strategy, indicating some interest in the stock based on its fundamentals and valuation. The stock meets most of the tests in the strategy’s criteria, with the exception of advertising to assets and research and development to assets. Partha Mohanram, the creator of the growth model, is known for his research in value and growth investing, and is currently the John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing at the University of Toronto. Validea is an investment research service that follows the published strategies of investment legends.

Original: Guru Fundamental Report for MRK