Nasdaq, Inc.: FIS Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq
From Nasdaq, Inc.:
Fidelity National Information Services Inc. (FIS) is a large-cap growth stock in the Consumer Financial Services industry. Validea’s guru fundamental report rates FIS highest using the Contrarian Investor model, based on the strategy of David Dreman. This strategy looks for improving fundamentals in the most unpopular mid- and large-cap stocks in the market. The stock meets some of the model’s tests, such as market cap, earnings trend, EPS growth rate, and payout ratio, but fails in criteria like P/E ratio, price/cash flow ratio, price/book value, price/dividend ratio, return on equity, pre-tax profit margins, and yield. David Dreman’s Kemper-Dreman High Return Fund was one of the best-performing mutual funds ever, and he has been ranked number one in Lipper’s database. Validea follows the published strategies of investment legends and offers stock analysis and model portfolios based on gurus who have outperformed the market over the long-term.
Original: FIS Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq