Nasdaq: PH Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq

From Nasdaq:

Validea’s guru fundamental report for PARKER-HANNIFIN CORP (PH) indicates that it rates highest using the Multi-Factor Investor model based on the strategy of Pim van Vliet. This model seeks low volatility stocks with strong momentum and high net payout yields. PH is a large-cap growth stock in the Misc. Fabricated Products industry and has a rating of 87% based on the firm’s fundamentals and stock valuation. The stock meets most of the criteria of van Vliet’s strategy and has a final pass rank. Pim van Vliet, head of Conservative Equities at Robeco Asset Management, has researched and published a book on conservative factor investing, which led to the creation of this strategy. Validea is an investment research service that follows the strategies of investment legends and offers stock analysis and model portfolios based on successful investors.

Original: PH Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq