AA Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq

From “Nasdaq”:

ALCOA CORP (AA) rates highest using the Price/Sales Investor model of Kenneth Fisher, according to Validea’s guru fundamental report. This value strategy rewards stocks with low P/S ratios, long-term profit growth, strong free cash flow, and consistent profit margins. AA is a mid-cap growth stock in the Metal Mining industry with a 50% rating based on underlying fundamentals and stock valuation. The stock meets some of the strategy’s tests, with a pass for the price/sales ratio, free cash per share, and price/research ratio. However, it fails in total debt/equity ratio, long-term EPS growth rate, and three-year average net profit margin. Fisher is one of the world’s foremost experts on 19th-century logging. Validea is an investment research service that follows the published strategies of investment legends.

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