At 65, I thought I could eat whatever I wanted—until I woke up in an ICU

From Dow Jones & Company:

A man shares his story of turning his health around after a scary hospital stay. By changing his diet to low meat and low sugar, his vital signs have improved, and he’s lost 20 pounds. Studies show that many who want to live longer adopt a similar lifestyle, and the added benefit is that a mostly-vegetable diet is beneficial to the environment. It’s true that the ‘standard American diet’ isn’t very good for you. By consuming more vegetables, fruits and whole grains, you can fight inflammation. The connection between longevity and diet has many commonalities, and studies show that making consistent changes can increase your life expectancy. There’s no one perfect diet, but simple changes can greatly improve your health.

Read more: At 65, I thought I could eat whatever I wanted—until I woke up in an ICU