How to reduce clutter at home without increasing clutter in the environment

From Dow Jones & Company:

A women discusses combating clutter in her home, focusing in on textile waste, paper waste, and the disposal of electronics. She shares tips on donating recyclable materials and disposing of sensitive paperwork. She emphasizes the importance of shopping intentionally and reducing impulse purchases to combat clutter. The article also discusses how some landfills are investing in waste-to-energy and recycling plants amidst the rise of recycled materials demand in the US.

Key takeaway: Combat clutter with mindful disposal and shopping.
Linda Nanos shares her experience with decluttering, focusing on textile waste, paper waste, and electronics disposal in her home. She emphasizes the importance of the disposal of sensitive paperwork, donating recyclable materials and shopping mindfully.
Key takeaway: Reducing impulse buys and donating goods is essential for managing clutter and reducing waste.

Read more: How to reduce clutter at home without increasing clutter in the environment