MSTR Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq
From Nasdaq, Inc.:
Validea’s guru fundamental report for MICROSTRATEGY INC (MSTR) rates highest using the Quantitative Momentum Investor model, with a score of 83% based on the firm’s underlying fundamentals and the stock’s valuation. The stock meets the criteria for Wesley Gray’s strategy, with strong and consistent intermediate-term relative performance.
The stock analysis table shows that MSTR meets the criteria for this strategy in areas such as twelve minus one momentum, but is neutral in areas like return consistency and seasonality. Overall, the stock performs well based on the strategy’s criteria.
Wesley Gray, founder of Alpha Architect and expert in quantitative investing strategies, has endorsed the stock based on his strategy’s criteria. Validea is an investment research service that offers stock analysis and model portfolios based on successful investment legends. For more information, visit Validea’s website.
Read more: MSTR Quantitative Stock Analysis | Nasdaq