‘Hot Parents’ Give Their Kids an Earnings Premium: Study

From TIME.:

A new study has found that having biologically attractive parents can contribute to estimated higher earnings. Economic research has long linked physical attractiveness to success in the workplace, with pretty people being often paid more, having better jobs and getting promoted more quickly.

The study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found that having attractive parents amounts to over $2,300 per annum or an extra $106,000 of income over an average working life.

According to researchers, having attractive parents can provide both “direct” benefits in terms of attractive genes and more money to inherit due to their attractiveness and higher earning potential.

Researchers found that the beauty of one’s parents is passed down to their kids, with attractive parents having biological children considered more attractive than average. The researchers then matched these findings with household income data to determine the financial advantages of attractiveness.

The study also revealed that children of less attractive parents tend to earn significantly less income than those with more attractive parents. This perpetuation of inequality leads to a substantial part of inherited inequality across generations, reflecting deeply embedded racial and social inequalities.

Read more: ‘Hot Parents’ Give Their Kids an Earnings Premium: Study