HD key ratios as of May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024

Dividend Yiel Ttm$0.0249
Dividend Yiel Percentage Ttm$2.4905
Pe Ratio Ttm22.3876
Peg Ratio Ttm2.5299
Payout Ratio Ttm0.5536
Current Ratio Ttm1.3525
Quick Ratio Ttm0.3220
Cash Ratio Ttm0.1708
Days Of Sales Outstanding Ttm7.9566
Days Of Inventory Outstanding Ttm75.2759
Operating Cycle Ttm$83.2325
Days Of Payables Outstanding Ttm36.0195
Cash Conversion Cycle Ttm$47.2130
Gross Profit Margin Ttm$0.3338
Operating Profit Margin Ttm$0.1421
Pretax Profit Margin Ttm$0.1305
Net Profit Margin Ttm$0.0992
Effective Tax Rate Ttm$0.2400
Return On Assets Ttm$0.1979
Return On Equity Ttm$14.5222
Return On Capital Employed Ttm$0.3979
Net Income Per Ebtttm$0.7600
Ebt Per Ebit Ttm$0.9186
Ebit Per Revenue Ttm$0.1421
Debt Ratio Ttm0.5509
Debt Equity Ratio Ttm40.3841
Long Term Debt To Capitalization Ttm$0.9744
Total Debt To Capitalization Ttm$0.9758
Interest Coverage Ttm$11.1626
Cash Flow To Debt Ratio Ttm0.5022
Company Equity Multiplier Ttm$73.3046
Receivables Turnover Ttm$45.8741
Payables Turnover Ttm$10.1334
Inventory Turnover Ttm$4.8488
Fixed Asset Turnover Ttm$4.4853
Asset Turnover Ttm$1.9949
Operating Cash Flow Per Share Ttm$21.3643
Free Cash Flow Per Share Ttm$18.1090
Cash Per Share Ttm$3.7941
Operating Cash Flow Sales Ratio Ttm0.1387
Free Cash Flow Operating Cash Flow Ratio Ttm0.8476
Cash Flow Coverage Ratios Ttm0.5022
Short Term Coverage Ratios Ttm8.7560
Capital Expenditure Coverage Ratio Ttm6.5629
Dividend Paid And Capex Coverage Ratio Ttm1.8238
Price Book Value Ratio Ttm324.7281
Price To Book Ratio Ttm324.7281
Price To Sales Ratio Ttm2.2207
Price Earnings Ratio Ttm22.3876
Price To Free Cash Flows Ratio Ttm18.8915
Price To Operating Cash Flows Ratio Ttm16.0125
Price Cash Flow Ratio Ttm16.0125
Price Earnings To Growth Ratio Ttm2.5299
Price Sales Ratio Ttm2.2207
Enterprise Value Multiple Ttm$15.5203
Price Fair Value Ttm$324.7281
Dividend Per Share Ttm$8.5200