China Market News

From AASTOCKS: 2024-06-03 04:11:00 Limited, along with other companies, strive to provide accurate information but do not guarantee its reliability. They will not be liable for any inaccuracies leading to damages. Users are advised to verify all information before making any investment decisions, as past performance does not guarantee future results. Use this app/website at your own risk.

Morningstar Disclaimer: All information provided is for informational purposes only and may not be accurate or complete. Morningstar is not responsible for any trading decisions made based on the information. Users are advised to consult with a financial adviser before making any investment decisions. The value of investments can go up or down. Limited provides information and services on an “AS IS” basis and reserves the right to make changes without notice. Users are not allowed to reproduce or distribute information from this app/website without consent. They cannot guarantee future profits based on buy/sell commentaries and signals provided.

Users acknowledge that AATV is for informational purposes only and not for trading. AATV does not offer legal, tax, or investment advice. Investors should make decisions based on their own financial situation. Limited is not liable for any inaccuracies in AATV or any losses resulting from it.

The disclaimer is governed by the law of Hong Kong, with the English version prevailing in case of discrepancies. Users should review changes regularly and accept the agreement as modified. Last updated on January 6th, 2023.

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