Why remote work has staying power
From CNBC: 2024-08-23 06:00:01
Remote work, a lasting trend post-pandemic, is now a fixed part of the U.S. labor market. WFH Research data shows that working from home has stabilized at 25-30% per week since 2023, a triple increase from pre-Covid levels.
Employers and workers have both benefitted from remote work, according to economists. Research suggests that workers value hybrid work as much as an 8% pay raise. Employers save money on real estate and have a wider pool of candidates for hiring.
While some jobs require in-office work, remote work has numerous benefits. Companies save on expenses like real estate and experience lower turnover rates. Challenges like reduced employee observation and peer mentoring have been raised by employers in a ZipRecruiter survey.
Read more: Why remote work has staying power