Drivers more likely to be distracted while using partial automation tech, study shows By Reuters

From 2024-09-17 00:16:25

Drivers are more distracted when using partial automation systems like Tesla’s Autopilot and Volvo’s Pilot Assist, according to new research by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Major automakers are racing to deploy technology to partially automate driving tasks, but concerns about distraction and crashes persist.

The studies show the need for better safeguards to ensure attentive driving with advanced driver assistance systems. Drivers must continuously monitor the road and be ready to take over at any time, with most systems requiring them to keep their hands on the wheel.

IIHS President David Harkey emphasized the need for more robust safeguards against distraction in partial automation systems. The study with Tesla’s Autopilot found drivers triggering 3,858 attention-related warnings while the study with Volvo’s Pilot Assist reported drivers being distracted for 30% of the time.

In both studies, drivers were found to engage in distracting activities, highlighting the importance of effective safety measures to prevent misuse of the technology. It is essential for automakers to address the risks associated with distracted driving while navigating the complexities of deploying partially automated driving systems.

Read more at Drivers more likely to be distracted while using partial automation tech, study shows By Reuters