Financial Health of Coursera, Inc. (NYSE:COUR) in the…

.September 5, 2024

5:30:34 AM

Coursera, Inc. (NYSE:COUR) is facing financial concerns with a ROIC of -22.58% and WACC of 10.27%, indicating it’s not covering its capital costs efficiently. Udemy, Inc. (NASDAQ:UDMY) has an even worse situation with a ROIC to WACC ratio of -2.90, showing significant struggles in generating positive investment returns. In contrast, Duolingo, Inc. (NASDAQ:DUOL) stands out with a positive ROIC to WACC ratio of 0.55, highlighting its operational efficiency and value creation for shareholders.

Olo Inc. (NYSE:OLO) and Marqeta, Inc. (NASDAQ:MQ) also face challenges in generating positive returns on invested capital, with ROIC to WACC ratios of -0.82 and -1.45 respectively. This broader analysis of the tech industry shows varying degrees of financial health among companies, with Duolingo demonstrating the potential for financial efficiency and value creation in the sector.