Taking Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to the Next Level

From GlobeNewswire: 2024-09-19 16:40:00

Six industry experts discussed innovations in advanced internal combustion engines and fuels in a recent ETF webinar. Topics included efficiency improvements, emissions reduction, and biomass-based diesel consumption in the US. Presently, the industry produces over 4 billion gallons of renewable diesel, with plans to exceed 6 billion gallons by 2030 and 15 billion gallons by 2050 through expanded feedstocks. Research shows renewable fuels can help achieve 2027 EPA and CARB emissions standards in heavy-duty engines. Fuel detergents were highlighted for reducing emissions and improving performance in petroleum-fueled vehicles, with benefits also observed when used with renewable diesel fuels. Innovations in heavy-duty engine technology were reviewed, including sustainability, modularity, and flexibility strategies driving new engine design and performance improvements. Additionally, innovations in injection systems aim to take internal combustion engines to the next level, with a focus on new direct-injected propane engines due to their lower greenhouse gas emissions and near-zero particulate emissions. JM is catalyzing the transition to net zero through work on lowering transport emissions, transitioning chemicals production, and energy systems. Their next-generation three-way catalyst achieves faster light-off and emissions performance while reducing the use of platinum group materials by 39%. Tenneco is developing technology packages to help internal combustion engines achieve new emissions and efficiency requirements, including fuel burners, electric heaters, and dual dosing SCR systems. These technologies address challenges related to achieving emissions control at low loads and temperatures for a more sustainable future.

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