UAW warns of potential strikes at Ford, Stellantis

From CNBC: 2024-09-19 12:56:36

UAW members stage picket outside Stellantis Parts Distribution Center in Center Line, Michigan, after walking off their jobs. The union announced strike deadlines at Ford tool and die plant and possible strike authorization votes at Stellantis plants, not including General Motors. Local contracts issues include job security and pay parity for skilled trades. Last year, UAW won record wage increases but at the expense of jobs. Stellantis CEO criticized UAW President Fain’s actions following strike authorization vote announcement, calling a strike illegal. Fain asserts right to strike over automakers’ product and investment commitments; Stellantis argues against strike due to negative impact. Fain reported 28 filed grievances by Stellantis workers and NLRB complaint. Contract negotiations ongoing at Volkswagen after successful UAW representation vote by workers in Chattanooga, Tennessee earlier this year.

Read more at CNBC: UAW warns of potential strikes at Ford, Stellantis