If I Could Tell Everyone Saving for Retirement 1 Thing, I’d Tell Them to Do This With Their 401(k)
From Nasdaq.: 2025-01-18 04:35:00
In the past, companies offered pension plans for retirement, but now most have switched to defined contribution plans like the 401(k), where employees are responsible for saving. Many Americans struggle with retirement savings, with the median person aged 65-74 having only $200,000 saved. To maximize your 401(k), make sure to contribute enough to earn the full employer match, which can provide instant returns on your money. The employer match incentivizes saving for retirement and can make a significant difference in your nest egg, even for those with average salaries. Take advantage of this tool for a more secure retirement.
Read more at Nasdaq.: If I Could Tell Everyone Saving for Retirement 1 Thing, I’d Tell Them to Do This With Their 401(k)