Fortune Magazine: Remote work, AI, and skills-based hiring threaten to take our jobs

From Fortune Magazine:

Mark Twain’s obituary in a New York newspaper showed that American white-collar work is facing potential job loss due to headlines suggesting millions of jobs may disappear. Harvard Business School’s Joseph Fuller suggested that while white-collar work will change, jobs won’t disappear en masse. Remote work, skills-based hiring, and Generative AI like ChatGPT are seen as threats, but Fuller believes the fears are exaggerated. Remote work could lead to well-paid white-collar jobs moving overseas, skills-based hiring might lead to less reliance on college degrees, and Generative AI technology may replace repetitive jobs. Fuller says that while some jobs will disappear, there will still be work for humans, just in different areas, and they will likely be more interesting. In today’s post-COVID world, job security may be in question, but white-collar workers have the ability to adapt and succeed, despite technological advancements.

Original: Remote work, AI, and skills-based hiring threaten to take our jobs