Yum! Brands Has 16,000 More Restaurants Than McDonald’s. But McDonald’s Generates Over 70 Times More Revenue From This 1 Reliable Source.
From Nasdaq, Inc.:
Yum! Brands, which owns Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, and The Habit Burger Grill, counts more dining locations globally than McDonald’s, but generates less revenue. The reason is McDonald’s ownership of a larger amount of real estate generating a consistent stream from rent on its franchise locations. This could make McDonald’s a more stable investment than Yum! Brands, and a potential choice for a dividend-growth stock portfolio. The Motley Fool did not select Yum! Brands for a best stock buy, opting for ten other companies.
Read more: Yum! Brands Has 16,000 More Restaurants Than McDonald’s. But McDonald’s Generates Over 70 Times More Revenue From This 1 Reliable Source.