Lilium (NASDAQ:LILM) Sees Large Growth in Short Interest
From MarketBeat:
Lilium (NASDAQ:LILM) saw a significant increase in short interest in December, with a total of 18,930,000 shares sold short, a 23.8% increase from the previous month. The days-to-cover ratio is 4.7 days, with approximately 8.2% of the stock being sold short.
Several large investors have recently modified their holdings of Lilium stock. Institutional investors and hedge funds currently own 34.19% of the stock.
Lilium stock traded at $1.10 on Tuesday, with a 50-day simple moving average of $1.01 and a 200-day simple moving average of $1.07. The stock has a 12-month low of $0.37 and a 12-month high of $1.90.
Lilium N.V. is a transportation company that develops electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for high-speed air transport systems. The company was incorporated in 2015 and is headquartered in Wessling, Germany.
MarketBeat offers information on the top stocks recommended by Wall Street analysts, highlighting five stocks that are better buys than Lilium. MarketBeat has also released a list of 20 stocks that Wall Street analysts recommend selling.
Read more: Lilium (NASDAQ:LILM) Sees Large Growth in Short Interest