FI Quantitative Stock Analysis – Martin Zweig


Validea’s guru fundamental report for FISERV INC (FI) rates highest using the Growth Investor model based on the strategy of Martin Zweig. This large-cap growth stock in Computer Services gets a 77% rating based on firm fundamentals and stock valuation.

The stock meets the following criteria under the Growth Investor model: P/E ratio, revenue growth in relation to EPS growth, sales growth rate, current quarter and quarterly earnings as well as positive earnings growth rate for the current quarter. It fails to meet the criteria for earnings persistence. Despite this, Martin Zweig’s stock recommendation newsletter returned an average of 15.9 percent per year during 15 years, making him a notable investment legend. Validea is an investment research service that follows the published strategies of investment legends such as Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, and Martin Zweig. For more information about Validea, click here.

Read more: FI Quantitative Stock Analysis – Martin Zweig