Gildan claims former CEO Glenn Chamanday sent just a handful of work emails a day

From Fortune:

Gildan Activewear Inc. is rummaging through former CEO Glenn Chamandy’s emails in hopes of proving its position that he was a “disengaged” executive. Chamandy was fired in December for his alleged risky acquisition pursuits and l ack of engagement, despite a request by shareholders supporting Chamandy to bring him back as CEO.

Gildan has since released a statement, saying they learned that Chamandy sent, on averages, only a handful of work emails a day, and had few business-related meetings.

Gildan is currently involved in increasingly hostile and public dispute with Chamandy and a number of major shareholders who support him.

The company has yet to respond to a shareholder meeting request by shareholder group, Browning West LP, and so far, nine shareholders holding more than a third of their stock have backed Chamandy’s return.

Chamandy and Gildan are in a hot discussion about Chamandy’s involvement after the company disclosed that Chamandy placed his own funds with an investment firm lobbying to bring him back as CEO.

Chamandy engaged an “ultimatum” in a multibillion-dollar acquisition in November, but the board rejected it and announced his departure in December.

Since Chamandy’s exit, Gildan market capitalization has declined by over C$1 billion to C$7.2 billion.

Browning West fired back at Gildan, about their board’s distraction on self-preservation, rather than accepting shareholder’s views, creating value.

Vince Tyra, a former Fruit of the Loom executive, began as Gildan’s CEO on Monday. Gildan, headquartered in Montreal, owns the American Apparel brand.

Read more: Gildan claims former CEO Glenn Chamanday sent just a handful of work emails a day