Each generation thinks they hold the power at work

From Time Magazine:

The current office landscape is compared to the hit 1980s sitcom, “Who’s the Boss,” as it finds no one knows who is driving the bus. According to Harris Poll’s survey with Fortune, 1,200 workers believe there’s a power vacuum as the future of work is contested since the pandemic. Generational groups express different ideas of power dynamics. Boomers and Gen X view power differently compared to millennials and Gen Z. Younger generations news expectations and put greater pressure on the more established older generations.

Every age group believes their own generation holds the most power in shaping norms and expectations in the workplace. Generations are divided in their approach to power. In response, senior research manager at Harris Poll, Amy Mulvey, indicates that this represents a unique opportunity to acknowledge the value that each generation brings in shaping the future of the workplace. It is important to create an environment that meets the needs of employees at all stages of life. The article is part of Fortune’s New Normal at Work.

Read more: Each generation thinks they hold the power at work