Remote work jobs are disappearing before our eyes
From Fortune:
Remote jobs are becoming harder to find as bosses mandate a return to the office. The U.S. trails behind other major countries in remote work, with only 11.5% of office-based roles being fully remote. Nearly 4 in 5 workers are worried about potential RTO mandates. Businesses encouraging in-person work have gotten stricter, with 3.4 days in the office now being demanded on average.
Despite widespread apprehensions, remote work has been found to be just as, if not more, productive as in-office work. Some businesses, who in a different era were in favor of remote work policies, have significantly walked them back, leading to tension between bosses’ desires and workers’ needs. The future of work is sure to be defined by this tension, assuming both sides are open to compromise.
Read more: Remote work jobs are disappearing before our eyes