Some cybersecurity breaches of microsoft

In January 2024, Microsoft disclosed that their email system had been compromised by hackers linked to the Russian state, targeting high-ranking executives. This incident is part of a series of data breaches and security incidents involving Microsoft. In September 2023, Chinese hackers accessed 60,000 State Department emails through Microsoft. Chinese hackers also breached U.S. agencies via Microsoft cloud services in July 2023. In October 2022, data from over 548,000 users was exposed due to a misconfigured Microsoft endpoint. In March 2022, the Lapsus$ group breached Microsoft’s Azure DevOps platform. In August 2021, Microsoft Power Apps misconfigurations led to exposing 38 million records, while security vulnerabilities in Microsoft Azure exposed customer databases. In April 2021, personal data of over 500 million LinkedIn users was scraped and sold. In January 2021, a vulnerability in Microsoft Exchange Servers resulted in over 60,000 hacks. In December 2020, Russian hackers targeted SolarWinds, impacting Microsoft and 18,000 other customers. In December 2019, over 250 million Microsoft customer records were exposed due to a misconfigured database. In April 2019, compromised support agent credentials led to hackers accessing webmail accounts. Various incidents involving Microsoft include numerous hacking incidents and data exposure, with some attacks attributed to state-sponsored groups.