Enel Group Details Financial Targets Under 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

The Enel Group (ENLAY.PK) said, in the 2024-2026 Plan period, the Group expects to focus on: profitability, flexibility and resiliency through selective capital allocation to maximize Group risk/return profile. The Group expects net ordinary income to increase to between 7.1 and 7.3 billion euros in 2026, with a CAGR of around 6%. The Group expects 2023 net ordinary income at 6.4-6.7 billion euros.

The Group expects ordinary EBITDA to grow to between 23.6 and 24.3 billion euros in 2026, with a CAGR of around 5%. The Group expects 2023 ordinary EBITDA at 21.5-22.5 billion euros.

Between 2024 and 2026, Enel Group has planned a total gross capex of approximately 35.8 billion euros. The Group said investments are set to require a lower cash-out flow, with net capex expected to amount to approximately 26.2 billion euros.

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Original: RTT – Earnings: Enel Group Details Financial Targets Under 2024-2026 Strategic Plan