NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprint Redefines Hit Identification in Drug Discovery
From NVIDIA: 2024-08-27 09:00:12
NVIDIA released the NIM Agent Blueprint for generative AI-based virtual screening to speed up drug discovery, reduce costs, and improve access to life-saving treatments for patients.
The NIM microservices, like AlphaFold2, MolMIM, and DiffDock, enhance the drug discovery process by optimizing molecule design and protein binding for faster and more efficient results.
The NIM Agent Blueprint is being integrated by leading software providers to streamline the hit-to-lead process and identify more viable drug candidates in less time and at lower cost.
Accenture and AWS HealthOmics are collaborating to tailor the NIM Agent Blueprint for drug development programs, revolutionizing drug development and potentially reducing costs in the global pharmaceutical market.
Read more at NVIDIA: NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprint Redefines Hit Identification in Drug Discovery