Web3 Foundation awards grant to Deep Ink Ventures to boost Polkadot ecosystem By Investing.com

From Investing.com

September 17, 2024 2:10:17 pm:

The Web3 Foundation awarded a grant to Deep Ink Ventures, a blockchain consultancy focused on Polkadot. The grant supports their venture development and community engagement approach within the ecosystem, prioritizing time-to-market, MVP development, and scalable business models. The Foundation dedicates a prize pool of 10 million DOT tokens for the JAM upgrade to create a decentralized network for computational tasks in Polkadot. Deep Ink Ventures Studio operates in six-month cycles, launching ventures with a community-driven process. Known for Substrate development and ink! smart contracts, the studio plans to expand into a seed fund and venture builder to support blockchain startups.

Read more at Investing.com: Web3 Foundation awards grant to Deep Ink Ventures to boost Polkadot ecosystem By Investing.com