NVIDIA AI Aerial Launches to Optimize Wireless Networks, Deliver New Generative AI Experiences on One Platform

From NVIDIA: 2024-09-18 11:33:35

Telecommunications providers are using AI computing to optimize wireless networks for advanced technologies like robots, autonomous vehicles, smart factories, and 5G with the new NVIDIA AI Aerial platform.

NVIDIA AI Aerial enables telecommunications providers to support various AI-driven applications such as manufacturing robots, autonomous vehicles, computer vision, and generative AI-driven co-pilots.

AI-RAN technology offers improved network experience, energy-efficient RAN, and new revenue opportunities with edge AI applications, paving the way for multipurpose networks powered by AI.

NVIDIA AI Aerial platform provides a suite of capabilities including high-performance RAN, AI Radio Frameworks for signal processing in 5G and 6G, and Aerial Omniverse Digital Twin for network simulations.

NVIDIA collaborates with T-Mobile, Ericsson, and Nokia to establish the AI-RAN Innovation Center, focusing on driving collaboration and innovation in AI-RAN technology for transformative network experiences.

Key partners in the NVIDIA AI Aerial ecosystem include Softbank, Fujitsu, Ansys, Keysight, Deepsig, ETH-Zurich, and other industry leaders and academia for research and development of AI-driven telecommunications solutions.

Read more at NVIDIA: NVIDIA AI Aerial Launches to Optimize Wireless Networks, Deliver New Generative AI Experiences on One Platform