How SonicJobs Uses AI to Connect Job Seekers to Employers

From NVIDIA: 2024-09-18 09:00:22

Companies in the US spend $15bn annually on talent acquisition. The industry-wide apply conversion rate from job platform clicks to job applications is only 5%. SonicJobs CEO explains how their AI Agents improve this rate to 26% by allowing candidates to complete applications on job platforms. Program details fine-tune AI for better results.

SonicJobs is part of NVIDIA Inception for startups. The AI Podcast discusses how their AI Agents revolutionize the job application process. Episodes cover the technology, benefits to users, and advice for hiring companies. The podcast also features other AI industry leaders discussing advancements in AI for workforce education and user experiences.

Read more at NVIDIA: How SonicJobs Uses AI to Connect Job Seekers to Employers