Aktualisierte Machbarkeitsstudie von Kiniero ergibt

From GlobeNewswire: 2025-01-18 06:18:51

Robex Resources Inc. announces an updated feasibility study for its Kiniero Gold project in Guinea, showing an increase in mineral reserves by 46% to 1.41 million ounces. With a gold price of $1800/ounce, the project is expected to produce an average of 139,000 ounces of gold per year over a 9-year mine life at an AISC of $1,066/ounce. The updated study also reveals improved economic metrics, with a pre-tax NPV of $480 million and IRR of 47%. Future updates are expected in the second quarter of 2025 based on ongoing drilling activities. Construction is underway, with production anticipated in late 2025.

The independent technical report supporting the updated feasibility study will be released on SEDAR within the next 45 days. The study was conducted in accordance with the National Instrument 43-101 standards. Comparing the results of the updated study to the 2023 study, the improvements are significant, with a 46% increase in probable mineral reserves, a 54% increase in average annual production over the mine life, and a 91% increase in pre-tax NPV. With a strong outlook for the project, Robex aims to become West Africa’s newest gold producer by the end of 2025. Die Bauarbeiten am Kiniero-Goldprojekt sind im Gange, mit Betonarbeiten an der Prozessanlage und der Errichtung von CIL/Gravitations-Tanks. Die Projektplanung ist zu 75 % abgeschlossen, und das erste Gold wird voraussichtlich bis Ende 2025 gefördert. Die Machbarkeitsstudie zeigt, dass Kiniero über die Nutzungsdauer bei einem Konsensgoldpreis von 139.000 Unzen Gold pro Jahr zu einem AISC von 1.066 USD/Unze produzieren kann. Robex plant, die Explorationsbemühungen fortzusetzen, um die Nutzungsdauer zu verlängern und die Produktion zu steigern. Das Projekt liegt im Osten Guineas und umfasst eine der größten Goldkonzessionen des Landes. Geologische Untersuchungen haben 47 Goldanomalien identifiziert, von denen fünf Lagerstättencluster ausreichend erkundet wurden. The mining sector continues to evolve as the Kiniero Gold Project reveals the geological profiles of various deposits. Mineral reserves and resources have been updated, showing a promising outlook for gold extraction. Exploration efforts are ongoing, with additional drilling completed to expand and convert resources into reserves. Brownfield exploration near existing mines aims to enhance resources and reserves. The mining operation at Kiniero will utilize conventional open-pit methods with excavators and trucks. Ore will be categorized and transported to the Mine Ore Pad for further processing. Stay tuned for further developments in this dynamic industry. Waste from the Komatsu HM400 fleet is transported to the nearest landfill. Historical mining in Jean, SGA, and SGD has led to pit lakes that need to be drained and cleaned before further mining. The main mining infrastructure, including pits, waste dumps, stockpiles, and haul roads, is illustrated in Figure 5. Primero Pty Ltd. has been tasked with redesigning the processing plant to double its capacity to 6 Mtpa, focusing on a flexible operation to handle different types of ore. The processing plant will be located near the mining areas for efficient ore processing.

The processing plant design includes two crushing circuits, semi-autogenous and ball milling, dual CIL circuits, and a proven gold recovery system. The project benefits from existing infrastructure near the site, minimizing the need for new facilities. To support mining, processing, and waste management, new infrastructure will be built, such as power lines, diesel generators, and additional on-site facilities. Due to the project location, a hybrid power plant with HFO, solar, and battery storage is proposed. Water for operations will be sourced from existing water sources, including rainwater catchment and historical mine drainage. The proposed tailings storage facility will have multiple phases to ensure proper containment with minimal environmental impact. In Phase 3 wird die teilweise progressive Schließung und der Bau des Notüberlaufs des Kiniero-Komplexes durchgeführt. Verwaltungs- und Überwachungssysteme werden implementiert, um Risiken zu identifizieren und zu mindern. Die geschätzten Betriebskosten für den Bergbau belaufen sich auf insgesamt 24,0 USD pro Tonne verarbeitetem Erz. Die geschätzten Kapitalkosten für den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Projekts werden auf 326 Mio. USD geschätzt. Die Bauarbeiten haben begonnen, und 41 Mio. USD der Investitionskosten wurden bereits ausgegeben. Die Umwelt- und Sozialverträglichkeit des Projekts wurde bestätigt, und Robex plant, lokale Fachkräfte zu unterstützen. Steuer- und Lizenzgebühren wurden festgelegt, und die finanzielle Bewertung des Projekts zeigt vielversprechende Ergebnisse. Sensitivitätsanalysen wurden durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen von Goldpreis, Kapitalkosten und Betriebskosten auf den Projektwert zu untersuchen. Robex Resources Inc. has reported sensitivity analysis results for discount rates, with pre-tax cash flows ranging from 1.056731 million USD at 5.0% to 711.481 million USD at 10.0%. Qualified Persons for mineral resources, geology, reserves, mining, geotechnics, metallurgy, processing, and environmental aspects have been identified in compliance with NI 43-101 standards. The company operates the Nampala Mine in Mali and is advancing the Kiniero Gold Project in Guinea, with ambitions to become a leading mid-tier gold producer in West Africa. Contact information and regulatory disclaimers are provided for reference. The company’s management has made forward-looking statements in order to provide information about current expectations and plans, allowing investors and others to better understand the company’s business plans, financial performance, and position. Such statements may include estimates, expectations, forecasts, goals, predictions, and strategies, identified by the use of terms like “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” and others. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and other key factors, and actual results may differ significantly if these do not materialize. Factors like geopolitical risks, gold price fluctuations, and regulatory changes could impact the company’s performance and achievements. The news article discusses various risks associated with the company, including higher commodity prices, exchange rate fluctuations, legal disputes, and restrictions on transactions. Other risks mentioned are related to the company’s listing on the ASX, market price volatility, tax issues, and challenges in negotiations with Malian authorities. The company also faces risks related to infrastructure access, cybersecurity threats, and potential liabilities. While the company believes its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, there may be other factors affecting its actions or results. The company does not guarantee the accuracy of forward-looking information. 1. A new study reveals that the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is 88% effective against the Delta variant of the virus, providing strong protection against severe illness and hospitalization.

2. The European Union has approved a plan to donate 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to low-income countries by the end of 2021, in an effort to increase global vaccination rates and combat the spread of the virus.

3. The United States has reached a milestone of 70% of adults receiving at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, marking significant progress in the country’s vaccination efforts.

4. In an effort to boost vaccination rates, New York City has announced that all city workers will be required to show proof of vaccination or undergo weekly testing for COVID-19 starting in September.

5. The World Health Organization has warned that the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus is becoming the dominant strain worldwide, leading to a surge in cases and hospitalizations in many countries.

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